Navigation bar

The navigation bar supports your sites brand (text or logo), navigation and a search area. This guide will only cover customizing the navigation bar but additional changes can be made as part of WordPress full site editing.

Setting a logo

  1. Navigate to Appearance -> Editor
  2. Click on Patterns -> Header, then click on the header.
  3. Click on the site title. This should have the same text you named your site. Once clicked some formatting options will come up.
  4. Click on the site title symbol (it looks similar to a location symbol on a map).
  5. Transform the site title into a site logo.
  6. (If you have not set a logo) Click on the upload symbol and select or upload the site logo you wish to use.
  7. Click save, located at the top right of the window.

Setting / creating a navigation menu

  1. Navigate to Appearance -> Editor
  2. Click on the navigation bar and then click on the menu in the center of the navigation bar
  3. Click select menu
    1. If a menu already exists, that can be selected now
    2. Alternatively, select create new menu if you wish to create a menu from scratch. The plus icon can be used to add new menu items
  4. Click save, located at the top right of the window

Changing the navigation bar design

  1. Navigate to Appearance -> Editor
  2. Click on Patterns -> Header, then click on the header
  3. Make the changes to the navigation bar as you would with designing a regular page content. Pre-made navigation bar designs can be found in block inserter -> patterns -> Bootscout. The block inserter is can be opened by pressing the plus icon, located on the top left of the page. The default design is called header 1.
  4. Click save, located at the top right of the window

Resetting the navigation bar to default

WordPress 5.9 introduced theme parts which we are using for the navigation bar. If an update for Bootscout makes a change to the navigation bar this may not automatically apply to the navigation bar on your site. If this happens, or you need to reset the navigation bar to default, then follow the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Appearance -> Editor
  2. Click on Patterns -> Header, then click on the header
  3. In the settings panel on the right of the page click on template part
  4. Click the three dots next to header before clicking clear customizations
  5. Click save, located at the top right of the window